Tuesday, May 26, 2009


So we're not in the finals - off to see it though...
But here it is - enjoy, pass it on - boost our youtube stats!!!!
Thanks heaps. xxx Ruth.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Finalists announced

The number of AK finalists has increased to reflect the enormous number of entries for this region.
ADHDMI - "Temptress" - Dance
Beefy Bacon - "Thy Holy Mash" - Religious
BlindVision - "How to make friends without meeting" - Educational
Del Sur -"The Warning" - Big Twist
Fire & Ice - "Cuz" - Parallel Worlds
Goodfellas - "Fanatics" - Horror
Half Full - "Pine Gun" - Conspiracy
HaynesFilm/Ow - "The Loneliest Vampire" - Musical
Idiotvision - "The Revenger" - Revenge
Just 2 Guys - "Between a Rock and a Tard Place" - Horror
Me vs Googleplex - "Gruff" - Musical
Sinistral - "Natures Baby" - Nature Run Amok
Squirrel Eye - "Peter Blinks" - Real Time
The Downlow Concept - "Like we're back in Primary school" - Nature Run Amok
Zombies Rule -"Technical Difficulties" - Real Time

DF10 – "Confessions" – Politically Incorrect/Religious
RRRFOFES – "Drip" – M Night Big Twist Movie
Whenua Pamamoa – "Eu De Toilette" – Real Time
Guerrilla Monkeys – "Hardwood Floors" – Parallel World
Tuff Films – "The Hidden" – M Night Big Twist Movie
Ginger Ninja’s – "The Last Piece" – Conspiracy
Team Bob – "Puddle Finishing School Part IV: Church Protocol" – Educational
Taktix Films – "Recharge" – Conspiracy
Hold your Breath? – "The Room" – M Night Big Twist
Holy Zarquon Different Fish – "Speed Date" – Real Time
Radioactive Reptiles – "There will Be Blood" –Nature Run Amok
Reel Good People – "Wrong Place, Wrong Time" – Horror

Kaiti Hill - "Man on a stick" - Educational
2 Many Brown Faces - "Koro's Tekoteko" - Horror
Cowps Productions - "Clone or Clown" - Conspiracy
Area 61 - "Alex in Wonderland" - Real Time
Back Up Plan - "Next time we're getting a dog" - Nature Run Amok
Team Membrana - "Broken Glass" - Parallel Worlds
Opotiki Deluxe - "The Man from the Ministry" - Conspiracy
Taumarunui High - "Alex is my rock" - Family
Pie Sammies Represent - "Second Chance" - Big Twist

2RhAB (Two Redheads... - "Lost and Found" - Parallel World
A Trick With A Knife - "Call Me Al" - Musical
Chain Gang - "Chip: an Actor's Actor" - Nature Run Amok
Chess Club - "Alex, His Kids and Miracle World" - Family
Dog Films - "Extraction" - Revenge
Eat Kitteo - "Poultry Pounder 3" - Parallel World
Killah Walz/Orca - "Otäck Otäck Otäck Fall" - Politically Incorrect / Religious
Liquid Chicken - "No Warrant" - Twist
mrs e movies - "Bienvenidos A Nueva Zelanda" - Educational
The Official V 48 Hour Team - "Behind the Scenes: One Flu Over the Bees Nest" - Conspiracy
Sauce-Era - "The Perfect Fit" - Politically Incorrect / Religious
Traces of Nut - "Free Range" - Politically Incorrect / Religious

Blue Fire Films- "Shear Terror" - Horror
Burn The Dog- "Posted Love" - Romance
Central Indecision Agency- "Mother Yucca" - Nature Run Amok
Frond Films- "Killing Innocence" - Horror
Half Done Produc... - "Taxi Ride" - M Night Big Twist Movie
League of Gents - "Taken For Granite" - Conspiracy
Lonely Cats Club - "GLOW" - Parallel World
OtherSide - "Made Up" - Real Time
The Outwits - "Aborting Mary" - Politically Incorrect/Religious
TBALC - "New Fish" - Musical/Dance
Wingman Films - "Fly Debon Air" - Educational
Zebra Crossing Inc. - "Frequencies" - Real Time

Brown Paper Bag - "My Mothers Day" -Real Time
Enlightenment Blanket - "Coffee" -
Hand Cranked Prod - "Club Mud" - Musical
Innuendo - "Lost in Intrepretation" - Musical
Know Idea Productions - "Girl from Sweden, Maori from Dunedin" - Politically Incorrect
Line Men - "Charlotte" - Big Twist
Menace Production - "Wiseguys Guide" - Educational
Rabies Babies - "The Tale of Two Hats" - Parallel Worlds
Rorschach - "Nuclear Family" - Family
Splashroom - "Horror called Freedom" - Conspiracy
Team Skux - "Mosgiel Town" -Conspiracy
Wanaka Film Trust - "Pick Up" - Horror

We'll be posting to YouTube today!!

Countdown is on (14min) and We have our Flickr photo's on the 48 hour Webpage.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Watching our film

OK guys, we can't put it on the Youtube until the city finalists are announced. SORRY!!!!! But email me yr photos from the shoot and I'll be making a DVD over the weekend for anyone who wants one. Post a comment if you do and aren't part of the cast and crew. We must please our fans.
So ten days to wait......
I'll put it in here as a post the moment we can.
Although life might be amazing and we might get into the finals and then you can all watch it on C4. Yay !!!!

You can watch last years ones at http://www.48hours.co.nz/screening-room/

cheers, Ruth.

The heat

Well the heat went well - mainly the fact we'd managed to actually dub our film off with sound and it did things like sort of make sense. Big ups to the 88yr old lad and her puppet movie tho, so sad she was disqualified.
Anyway have been checking the forums and we got 2nd for audience favourite in our heat!!!! (We were beaten by a team called Eat Kitteo which had a baby being stolen by a chicken from a video game and featured excellent Super Mario Bros type game animation.

HEAT SIX - Audience favourites.
1. Eat Kitteo - Poultry Pounder 3 - Parallel World
2. Electric Pink Company - The Electric Pink Company - Dance
3. FilmFriend - The Twisterning - Twist



We were given a disclaimer before the two dull yell films screened that they were made in the name of art, as love is all around us, that they were made by some of last year’s finalists (think much of yourself?) and with a quote by Fellini at the end; a man notorious for bullshitting directly whenever interviewed in the media. Oh, and Grayson Gilmour did his best Elliot Smith impression on the soundtracks. Oh and that they would be winning lots of money through a grant if they somehow managed to make the Wellington final through their endeavour. Shame they were both disqualified…

Team Name: dull yell one / Genre: Romance / “Dull Yell One” [Disqualified]

A dad swings his kid around lovingly, a dad hurts himself on a skateboard. Lots more footage of the family. Experimental film techniques abound. Guy wearing double denim and showing annoyance at bailing on his skateboard (where they shoved the elements in) were the highlights. Grayson’s soundtrack was good though.

No rating.

Team Name: DULL YELL TWO / Genre: Family / “Dull Yell Two” [Disqualified]

Guy in red jersey with blue jeans walks around his backyard as cool lighting shots and grainy footage is shown. More Grayson Gilmour soundtrack for the audience to enjoy.

No rating.


Team Name: Eat Kitteo / Genre: Parallel World / “Poultry Pounder 3”

Fucking awesome; short, sweet, to the point and a little sick. A guy comes across a rare videogame at a garage sale and is told to remember to “choose rock”. He goes home excited about his rare find, only to be told by his wife to watch the baby because she is going out. Baby gets stolen into another world by a giant chicken and he has to engage in a janken match to get the baby back. Damn entertaining.

Story: 4.5 / Acting: 4 / Elements: 4.5 / Technical: 4 / Overall: 4.5


Team Name: Electric Pink Company / Genre: Dance / “The Electric Pink Company”

Came to the screening in their outfits from the film – nice work! Having been a secretary, our lead actually wants to be a dancer as she finds the power of dance electrifying and so joins the Electric Pink Company for some dancing on a boat. The boat has problems and the dancing continues on rocks by the shore. Splits, body-flops and backspins were impressive.

Story: 2 / Acting: 2.5 / Elements: 3 / Technical: 3.5 / Overall: 3


Team Name: Engine Films / Genre: Real Time / “Rock and a Hard Place”

Filmed the screen; looked and sounded horrific and was almost impossible to tell what was going on other than it being a big Saw rip-off. The characters did not know where they were and the room was filling was gas, but only two could survive through oxygen tanks. Had a twist and got ironically funny when they said people were watching them on camera; cam of filtered cam – almost made my head spin.

Story: 1.5 / Acting: 2 / Elements: 2 / Technical: 1 / Overall: 1


Team Name: EXPERIMENTIA PRODUCTIONS / Genre: Politically Incorrect/Religious / “Garden of Eden”

A former strap-on infomercial star and a bible basher get harassed in a café by an annoying fan who wants to buy some drugs. The actor is having relationship problems at home because he’s cheating on his girl – maybe money from selling drugs can solve the problem? The deal however does not go down well, as guns come out blazing.

Story: 2.5 / Acting: 3 / Elements: 3 / Technical: 2.5 / Overall: 2.5


Team Name: Team Facial / Genre: Educational / Missing In Action


Team Name: Feathersmoke / Genre: Revenge / “Angry Women on Ice” [Disqualified]

Set in the Antarctic amongst a village of penguins (bottles were the model used but the team did a good job) and spoken pretty much entirely in rhyme. The female penguins are upset at the mayor for not taking action against the other birds (complete with awesome string flying effect) who keep stealing their eggs, and they want revenge. They then set out for revenge. Lots of charm from this entry by an older team, although quite slow paced.

Story: 2.5 / Acting: 2.5 / Elements: 3 / Technical: 3 / Overall: 2.5


Team Name: Fergus and Andrew / Genre: Nature Run Amok / “The Thin Green Screen”

Nature is running amok in America, and so the military films a propaganda film against a green screen. Good setup, but 5-6 minutes of filming jokes against the green screen got old pretty quickly. Not sure if they had technical problems? Bit of a shame to not actually use the green screen but whatever, I laughed a couple of times.

Story: 1 / Acting: 3 / Elements: 2.5 / Technical: 3 / Overall: 2.5


Team Name: FilmFriend / Genre: Big Twist / “The Twisterning”

Oh my, they literally took the “M Night Big Twist” genre literally; but instead of having a twist let’s just say lots of characters from the hack director’s films made it on screen talking to a girl at a speed dating night, and the ‘twist’ was absolutely not what you’d expect. Someone even wore an M Night mask. Wow.

Story: 2 / Acting: 3 / Elements: 2.5 / Technical: 3 / Overall: 2

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Heat is on tonight - booyah

Wish us luck, we'll let you know how it goes.

x Ruth.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Who's coming to the heats?

I'm making a list of who's coming - We can only do 25 - sorry to all our fans out there. 'm making DVDs tho and will pop it on youtube later this week for you all to see.
Email me or NEss to confirm yr coming and we'll keep track on here. x

1. Te Rina (Shenaenae) Thompson
2. Holly (Alex Puddle) Ewens
3. Laura (Muffy McFarland) Christen

4. Paula (Pop.C.Kool) Kimble
5. Kate (Catpants) Logan
6. Ruth (Kitty Kamera) Korver
7. Sophie (She King the Bear Warrior) Burbery
8. Vanessa (Futurella) Patea
9. Holly (Holly Habanero) Fenwick
10. Mica (Silver Bullet) Still
11. Kara (Destiny Pink) Bull
12. Grace (Talula Lovegrove) Ewens
13. Charlotte (Shaz Electra) Hardy
14. JoElle (Sally Sizzle) Gragilla
15. Sophie Dingemans
16. Steve - pyro guy
17. Sophie's Mum
18. Kate's Mum
19. Kate's Dad.
20. Vanessa's plus one.
21. Kara's plus one.
22. Laura's plus one.
23. Ruth's plus one.
24. Terina's plus one.
25. Miss Mica's plus one.
Waiting list - Holly Logan and Holly Fenwick plus one.

Charlotte's pictures from Saturday

OK, here's some more images from Saturday - supplied by one of our lovely dancers, Charlotte:

Planning a shot.
Laura is hot.
The choreographer checks through the lens.
Ruth shooting in leg warmers.

Ladies in waiting.Charlotte and Laura.
Grace, Laura and Luca.
Joelle - dancer and caterer extraordinaire.
More ladies waiting.Vanessa and Paula on location.

Dont leave us yet - Will post more photos and the final film soon

Hey all, thanks for following us all weekend through our trials (none) and triumphs (many).
I will post up all the photos over the week and also a link to the film after our heat screening on Wednesday night. (We'll be disqualified if we pop it up before.

So don't leave us yet - we'll say goodbye when it's time to say goodbye.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Just to let y'all know we handed the film on in time!!!

post edit

Kate says:





Oh my how fabulous has it been.

hot hot laydees making out on the rocks... what more could a girl ask for?

a pleasure to edit such foxy minxes in spandex... a very nice loss of 48 hour virginity.

I have a permanent tint of neon pink and green in my brain,imbeded deep in my mushy brain.......
but its o.k now,coz we got our shot.......to our heads ,the neon fades,but the memory remains ,
forever captured for you to salivate over x
Holly Habanero

The Electric Pink Experience

Paula says:

This experience was fantastic. All the ladies in our team were fab, chilled and very talented. Yay, for pink ladies. Paula. aka as Pop. C. Kool.

The Electric Pink Experience

Te Rina says:

My very first 48 hours experience...an extravaganza!!!

What an awesome weekend.....who knew you could make something so wicked in 47 1/2 hours!!!....Fab effort ladies./...\\

Thanks for all your hard work...

LOVE IT!!! oxoxoxoxo

Spread the pink... Electric Style.......

The Electric Pink Experience

Tracy says:
That was too much fun... amazing ladies, too much laughter and joy! Thank you... you are all fabulous. I love your work! xxx

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Electric Pink Experience

JoElle says:
Being a 48hr virgin was one thing, i knew my life was lacking, but now, 48 hrs and 12 minutes later, I am a CHANGED WOMAN.
Becoming a full fledged member of the Electric Pink Company is like....... it's...........IT.....

JoElle says ( ouch!)

Ness, who's too far away from the computer at 2 feet, but not too tired to still bark orders, asked me to tell you that she said that everyone's coming over here at 7 to get on the piss and she will, true to form, continue to the 'write a post' whip cracking to all cast members.....if they wish to stay pink and not get electrocuted.

One Hour and a Half to Go

Sophie's sounds going on the mix now

countdown on...

It's ten to five.. Ruth says it feels like it's all coming togethr.. having 2 editors on the team.. rocks

Pyrotechnics rock

Pyro was like the bird - Grouse!


Tracy says:
Watching the ladies put the sparkling touches on... Electric!
We are feeling the electric feel.. kinda like an electric eel but different - less slippery

Editing and roll credits

Kate and Ruth are editing and Sophie busy finding soundeffects online.
3 and a half hours to go.. Its looking superspunky. We have just done the credit sequence. Hopefully we said thanks to all involved and our great sponsors.


Te Rina (Shenaenae) Thompson • Holly (Alex Puddle) Ewens • Laura (Muffy McFarland) Christen

Introducing.... Paula (Pop.C.Kool) Kimble

Tracy (PDiamonde) McCaw • Director, Writer, Dancer
Kate (Catpants) Logan • Art Department, Co-editor, Dancer
Ruth (Kitty Kamera) Korver • Editor, Dancer
Sophie (She King the Bear Warrior) Burbery • Producer, Dancer
Vanessa (Futurella) Patea • Stills, Blogger, Gaffer, Dancer
Holly (Holly Habanero) Fenwick • Makeup, Costume Assistant, Dancer
Mica (Silver Bullet) Still • Dancer
Kara (Destiny Pink) Bull • Costume, Dancer
Grace (Talula Lovegrove) Ewens • Dancer
Charlotte (Shaz Electra) Hardy • Dancer
JoElle (Sally Sizzle) Gragilla • Kai-te-ra, Dancer

Sophie Dingemans • Choreographer, Actual Dancer

Where credits due:

Thanks to:
The Learning Connexion
Opportunity for Animals
Belinda Lithsaw and the Team at the tugboat
Jono Palmer and Boogie Wonderland
South Coast Rocks
Steve Collings at Steve Wholesale Ltd (Pyrotechnics)
Miriama and the Parade Café
Havana Coffee
14 Moffit Street
408 The Esplanade
All our friends dancers lovers and family xxx


Tracy directing from the floor..

On the job

The choreographer- Sophie!

The Team

Lights Camera Action

the only boy on the set- Luka

Our Director.. crack-up... Tracey

Shooting Ruth





Friday, May 8, 2009

Hot Pink on the South Coast

WE just finished the south coast shoot.. and are now having a delicious Havana coffee.. thx boys!
We were very entertaining and entertained on the south coast. we were asked if were the suicide chicks. i have loads of photo's and i will upload a bunch tonight!

walkie talkies

We have marine walkie talkies.. with a coverage of 25 km's

Lunch Time

We've been shooting the morning in the TugBoat... Now we're at the beach. LUNCHTIME.
I have loads of pics to upload.. i'll have to look for the card reader.

Our Actresses

Holly and Laura have turned up.. coffee on!


7am wake up call... everyones reaching for the pink stripey stockings

The script

We're printing the script! too organised!

We've got our basic story now; and locations.
The art dept. and costume have left to source
some electro trash hot pink cossies and some
coloured wigs.. starting filming at 7am. be keen
for a mad feed in the morn

Miss Mica joins the team

Kate and Sophie on the job


Our screening has already been scheduled it is the 13th of May at 8.45pm.

Heat 6 , 13 May 8.45pm

at Readings Cinemas, Courtenay Central. - Heats are cast and crew (non-public) screenings only..
Ruth and Tracey are back from Te Whaea... Our Genre is Musical/Dance Which everyone is thrilled about. The character is Alex Puddle. Who is an exaggerator. The Prop is a Rock. The line of Dialogue is - It doesn't fit...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

jamming some shit out

Kate and I have been jamming out with some accordian whilst waiting for the girls to come back with our Genre . Maybe we will have some in the film. Kate is cool cos she can play good.

Rosco the Base Camp cat

Te Rina- One of our actresses

Counting down

OK so we've got about 9 hours to go - I've got the editing gear set up, the camera gear is in a pile, there's a shopping list, actually tons of lists, the lounge is overrun with lists.
We've lost a writer/actor but then someone else showed up last minute last night offering help so it all looks good.

Had a feed of bacon and eggs and feeling excited as.....

Bear suit!!!


Testing the gear

Wednesday, May 6, 2009