Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Nominatedin the Wellington finals!!

Woo hoo - we got nominated for best cinematography, best art direction and best female director. Didn't win, but there was some sweet competition!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The video is out!!! Watch it now!!!

And please pass it on - there is a competition for the most hits.... the more you watch the more likely it is that we all win iphones!!!

xxx For the support.

Double click on the video below to see it large.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

We were Audience fave for our heat!!!! yay!!!

That's right, fave...

Heat 5

1. Electric Pink Company - The Fabricator (Biopic)
2. Dungeoneer productions - A Moment Through Time (Time Travel)
3. Free Robot - Nobody Blocks the Cock Like Sydney Manson (Road Movie)

Review 724

'The Fabricator' by Electric Pink Company
Genre: Biopic
Rating: 5/5

Production values in a completely superior league in this heat; the only team which demonstrated an ability to transition between camera views smoothly. Good sound quality.

Great acting and loved the animated team logo at the end!


Review 793

'The Fabricator' by Electric Pink Company
Genre: Biopic
Rating: 4/5

This film is beautifully done!

Personally i didn't like the story (just personal preference) but it was original. It kind of felt like "Perfume: The story of a murder"


Review 889

'The Fabricator' by Electric Pink Company
Genre: Biopic
Rating: 5/5

Sydney Manson has created a machine that duplicates items, but discovers the only fuel it will run on is cats. Oh no! This is a stylish short with superb art direction. Syd's fabricator machine and indeed all the fabricated items make for a visually amazing film. The make-up, showing Sydney aging into an old man, is also impressive. And the script is clever, with brilliant pacing.

If only Syd had a Trade Me account - all those poor kitties might be ok.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Review 552

Review 552

'The Fabricator' by Electric Pink Company
Genre: Biopic

A guy invents a Fabricator which only works when you feed cats into it. They are then turned into interesting trinkets such as coffee cups or Star Trek toys. Visually this film is stunning - an incredible art department, brilliant make-up, and beautiful cinematography. Great dark tone and some fine acting too. The end shot though, while highlighting some sweet aging, might not have been the best fullstop for this awesome film.

4.5 / 5


Review 492

'The Fabricator' by Electric Pink Company

Genre: Biopic
Rating: 2/5

Biopic? Really?? An old man (done through fantastic makeup) describes how he fueled a bizarre machine with cats which led to him earning the name of 'The Cat Napper' around the neighbourhood, and put him in tension with his cat-loving neighbour. The audience loved it and it had a good script and sense of style, but I don't think this was anywhere near its genre.

Review 627

'The Fabricator' by Electric Pink Company
Genre: Biopic
Rating: 4/5

This oddball short was about a man who invented a machine that converts cats into cups, and he goes on a lifelong mission to 'catnap' every moggy from the region to feed his contraption. The first point to note is that I don't think it was especially true to the genre. Even though we get to see the character as a young and old guy, it makes no difference to the story whatsoever. It may as well been two weeks passed, not forty years. Three separate stories about different parts of his life is probably what this genre needed.

That aside, I still give the short 4 out of 5 because it was done in a very good way. A lovely "Amelie" style musical opening set the scene, with good acting and superb costume/make-up throughout. The machine itself also looked good, for what was plainly tinfoil and LED's.

Good job everyone involved

Sunday, April 18, 2010

This is our heat

Come to the screening,,, all welcome

Heat 5 - Wednesday 21 April - 7.15pm

Dude-face Bro-man
Dungeoneer productions
Dynamite Deluxe
Eastern Wolf
Electric Pink Company
Empty Teapots Dripping Spout
Error: Abnormal Reply
Fellowship of the Bling
Fools on the Hill
Fourth Time Lucky Productions
Free Robot

PIctures from our shoot

Created with flickr slideshow.

sydney manson- the old man

We got it in on time

thats all... i'm too tired

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Sophie is editing sound now and yes we are still shooting (the last shot)-- and editing at the same time... strangely no one seems too stressed....
I'll post some more pics from yesterday soon.... dot dot dot
Adam can take his moustache off soon. He just got eaten by the machine. It was NASTY!!! this little Fi is wishing there could have been more blood. Bring it on. Fi Sole
10:15 pm

Kate's putting the finishing touches on Sydney's room twenty years after the machine was perfected. All Kate's worldly belongings are now in one room.

JoElle just made the strongest coffee of the day (an 8 tablespoon job)

Laura & Tom have unearthed about twenty lampshades from Kate and Tom's basement for the next scene.

Poo (Fi's car) improvised a death scene on camera. (Diva...)

Esmerelda spent all her downtime on set catnapping on her sofa on the back lawn.

Adam & Samantha are ready for their final scene together.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Dolly dead; cat next.

Whoop! It seems the hardest shot of the day is done - our compulsory dolly zoom. There is now a lot talk of blood splatter and cats coming from the lounge... Given the number of cat lovers in the house, I THINK Esmerelda is safe. Okay, just heard her mentioned by name. It's possible we're sacrificing a cat. Sam.

Photos from the morning shoot


Fiona - Hair and make-up

Adam acting
Laura and Paula

Esmeralda, One of our cat stars
The machine our art department made.

Adam and Ruth (director)

Sat midday, the first scene is wrapped and the finishing touches are being made to 'The Fabricator".

Esmeralda is a somewhat reluctant star - she got into a catfight with our Director, who emerged with only minor scratches.

The first scene has come out beautifully, with our leading man Adam's fine features bathed in the morning sunlight, and only a few interruptions from weedwackers, sirens and planes.

Now onto the next scene...

sat morning

Not much sleep... maybe 4 hours. but we have a script, Have had coffee and breaky. Fi's here with her make-up and some fake blood... We are shooting everything at kate's house.

we're writing

Here's a hint... cats and cardboard

We've got our genre!

We got biography of someone real or fake. The character is 'Sydney Mason', the object is a broken toy, the line is 'when you put it like that' ... and we have to include a 'dolly zoom shot'.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

setting up

We are at Kate's setting up.... me and Paula are going down at 6pm to get our genre etc

The Crew

Team Leader/Lighting/Blogger- me!! (well it was my credit card paying the registration fee)
Director/ Editor- Ruth Korver
Art Dept/ Editor- Kate Logan
Writer- Duncan Sarkies
Camera- Matty Warmington
Sound/ post - Sophie Burbery
Producer/ Camp Mum- Paula
Kai/ Coffee- Joelle
Art dept- Kara Bull

Acting talent
Adam Koveskali

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Getting Ready

Yep that's right, we're getting ready... It'll be v cool and we have plenty of snacks... Yay snacks.

Monday, March 22, 2010

We've Registered

The 2010 48 hour film competition.

SHOOT Weekend: 16–18 APRIL 2010 - Write it in your diaries

Just establishing who is in the crew.
It's going to be a fun weekend!